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Sep 16, 2014

SEDONA (click on first picture for slide show and larger pictures only)

After all our driving we were happy to spend four nights in Sedona. It's a beautiful location, a retirement town where the average age of the population is 59. If you like art this is the place to go as there are some of the nicest galleries we have ever been through and they are numerous. Sedona is very new age which isn't a bad thing, they are very nice, friendly people. Something for everyone in this city.

Coming into Sedona from the south on highway 179. We missed the turnoff from highway 40 to Oak Creek Canyon and Sedona so had to come all the way down the freeway and then back up. Turned out to be a good mistake as we took that road through the canyon on the way to Flagstaff and it was a narrow winding road which shouldn't be driven when one is tired at the end of the day.

The view from the airport where one of the best 'vortexes' is. We tried to walk to it, the sign said .6 of a mile but after going down down down we decided that the up trip was going to be too hard so turned back. There was a short hike to the vortex at the bottom of the road but the parking area was blocked off for repairs so we didn't get to stand on a vortex when we were in Sedona. A major disappointment.

Pretty views and red rock every where you look.

The chapel in the rocks. This was the view from the backyard where we stayed. It is very simple and small inside but is an active place of worship.
This is the view at the end of the road where we stayed.

Bell rock, another vortex that we weren't about to climb.

It has a name but I'm darned if I can remember it. It's my blog and I can flub if I want to lol.

Evening is the best time to take pictures of the rocks as they light up as if on fire. There were rain clouds coming in so that helped with the contrast.

Leaving Sedona tomorrow and heading to Monument Valley

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