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Nov 27, 2009


We came upon this little guy at a golf course in Tasmania. We noticed some little animal dash across the fairway and followed to find him grubbing amid the brush. Since we were the only two people on the whole golf course we had plenty of time to stop and take pictures, what a treasure.

Everyone will recognize these next few pictures from the coast of Austraila out of Melbourne. We took a tour from there and the Apostles scenery was breathtaking. It is mostly misty like in this picture which gives an added quality once you hear the shipwreck stories and tales of heroism that happened at this site.

Those cliffs are about a hundred feet high. One story is that a surviving sailor climbed up the cliff only to hear the cries of the captains daughter coming from below. He went back down, rescued her and helped her back up to the top. Ahhh, chivalery!

The only bad thing about visiting this site is that there are a million flies that attack your face as soon as you step out of your vehicle. They are hunting the mositure from your eyes, nose and mouth. If anyone plans to go there I highly recommend a hat with a mesh that comes over the face, otherwise you will be doing the "Austrailian Wave" which is constantly swinging your hand back and forth in front of your eyes until you give up and get back on the bus.

This one was once attached to the mainland by a "bridge" that enabled tourists to walk out to this part. There was a large group of them out there one day when the bridge collapsed and they were stranded for a few hours. Amazingly no one was on the bridge for the 100 foot drop to the ocean!

Here we are at Bondi Beach, the big surfing place out of Sydney, (for waves and the opposite sex)

This is a swimming pool at the extreme end of Bondi beach. There is nothing to stop swimmers from being washed out of it onto the rocks below, that fence surrounding it is wide open. It didn't look too appealing to us as it was full of seaweed and those waves were driving the foolish swimmers who braved it, into the bottom of the pool.

This foolish fellow you see here, got caught by the next wave and when he finally surfaced, left the pool immediately. Duh!!!!

I appreciate him being in their for my photo though.

This is the lavendar farm in Tasmania. It was so lovely and smelled so nice and we were astonished at how many products they make from the flowers. I really love the essential oil from this farm and am lucky to have a contact that can get it for me whenever I run out.

That's it for Aussie land except for some pics of the animals and sea creatures. If you ever want an interesting country to visit, this is the one.

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