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Nov 27, 2009

Calgary Zoo's Latest

It's difficult to get pictures of these guys out of the water but judging from their appearances, they must come out a lot to eat. I'm afraid I might be mistaken for one of these after Christmas!                            

This little cutie is the baby elephant born at our zoo a couple of years ago. She was so darling but unfortunately she became ill as so many baby elephants do and passed away shortly after.
Now these pelcians are not from out zoo but close by at the weir in the Bow River. The weir is extremely dangerous for people but these guys seem to have it all figured out as they dash in and grab the fish coming over then get away before getting caught in the undertow.                                                                             
Now I swear there is no trick photography or Photoshop in this picture and there definitely wasn't a two headed pelican there but this is what turned up when I downloaded the camera on to the computer. I must say I freaked everyone out when I sent it around so did have some fun out of it.                             

The cutest thing ever, a Meercat  and even better, two baby Meercats.

JUNE 2014
Well our Elephants are gone, it was decided that our enclosure was not conducive to the mental well being for the small herd we had and so they have been sent south to a bigger zoo to join another group of elephants. This has been quite upsetting as they were one of the top attractions and there were a few tears from kids on the day we were there when they heard that we no longer had elephants to see. 

However!!! There are some new residents, a group of three male Mandrills and one elderly Komodo dragon. I was expecting both to be larger than they are but the Mandrills are quite young so perhaps they will at least fill out some if not get a bit larger. They appear to be bored though as one was incessently masturbating to the raucous enjoyment of the group of young boys who were beside me while I was taking pictures, I stopped taking pictures lol. The following are the group of PG pictures I was able to get of them. 

Eyes open, on the biggest most colorful one.

Profile shot. The haze is from the dirty glass that I had to shoot through. The reflection is hard to get away from so this is the best I could do.

I love the look of contentment.
Time for the troop to move on. When one goes somewhere, they all go, very much a pack animal. 

The Komodo girl. She is about six feet from nose to tip of the tail. The males are around ten feet long. 

 This poor giraffe wanted those fresh green leaves so badly! He could get his tongue up there but couldn't wrap it around to pull them down.

Can you spot the butterfly? It blends in so well with the leaves it picked to rest on. It really is as bright as it looks, no photoshop enhancing.

 These are the snow leopards in their newer enclosure. After last years floods a lot of the animals got moved around to different places. These two were enjoying their nap in their new perch.

Somebody doesn't look too impressed with the crowd.

Our big Siberian Tiger enjoying the sun on his face.
These penquins were going walk-about outside their watery enclosure. I love the 'expression' on their faces, looks like a big ear to ear grin. The good news about the penquins is that a lot of eggs have been laid and they are taking turns keeping them warm. No idea if they are fertile eggs yet but at least they are trying.

This couple was having a cuddle in a culvert below where the above two are standing. More eggs on the way?
Update to the penguins eggs..........they hatched live chicks. This is the best sign that they are happy and healthy in their current home, yeaaaah                                                                                         

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